
You must apply for the supplementary grant yourself. You can do this along with your application for student finance. Often you will be notified of the amount within several weeks. If we don’t have all the information, it might take a bit longer.

You can apply later

Have you already applied for student finance, but without the supplementary grant? You can apply for one later. You can apply for a supplementary grant retroactively, up to the start of the academic year.

How to apply

  1. Log in to Mijn DUO and go to "Mijn producten'.
  2. Select 'Studiefinanciering'. Click on 'Nu aanvragen' and go to ‘Aanvullende beurs’.

Log in to Mijn DUOwith DigiD

Details of parents not required

When applying for a supplementary grant, you don’t need to submit your parents’ details.

What happens next

  • If we can’t find out who your parents are from the municipality, you will have to give us their details. You can do this in Mijn DUO.
  • We will automatically request details of your parents’ income from the Tax and Customs Authority. If your parents have an income outside the Netherlands, they will normally have to inform us of their income themselves.
  • We will calculate the supplementary grant.
  • Your parents will receive a notice with the details of the calculation. You will receive a notice about the amount of your supplementary grant.

If the calculation takes longer

It can sometimes take us longer to calculate your supplementary grant. This means you will receive the money later.

Are you in MBO, HBO, or university and do you need the money straightaway? Then you can take out a temporary loan. That means that you borrow the amount of the supplementary grant which you have not yet received. You can indicate how much you want to borrow. So you do not need to borrow the maximum amount. After your supplementary grant has been calculated, you can adjust the amount of your loan again.

Right after we have calculated your supplementary grant, we will offset this amount with the loan or any debts, if possible. If we can offset your supplementary grant with your loan, we will cancel the interest.

If we cannot offset your supplementary grant with your loan, the amount will be paid to you. Now you can ask us to cancel the interest on the loan. For this you need you to pay back the supplementary grant. If you do so within 3 months, you won’t be due any interest on the temporary loan. Please contact us to arrange this.

Applying once is enough

You only need to apply for the supplementary grant once. If your parents details are known to us, we will automatically request their income from the municipality each year.